Okay, I admit it, I am not capable of changing
just one thing at once – I'm too impatient! So, on top of everything, I am now reading “What Colour is Your Parachute?” and trying the Gillian McKeith ‘diet’.
I’ll let you know how things go with the reading of the book and doing the exercises within.
The diet is not posing any problems yet, but it is only day 1. I had muslei this morning (home made) with blueberries as well as the raisins and sultanas already in it. I also have unsweetened soya milk on it instead of proper milk. I don’t know what difference this makes! So, that was breakfast. I also had a cup of mint tea, instead of my usual breakfast tea. It was nice, but I'm not sure if I want to entirely give up tea. There’s not much else I drink, except for gin and wine – and they’re both out on the McKeith diet!
Anyway, I had a pear at about 10:30 this morning, and I’ve had some nasty vending machine tea (sorry) as well as some water. I also had a few pumpkin seeds. (!)
For lunch I have had tuna niçoise, which is tuna, salad, egg and olives. I had lettuce, peppers, cucumber, spring onion, mixed seeds, two eggs, four black olives, and almost half a tin of tuna. (
Almost because I couldn’t squeeze it in to my tiny lunchbox!) I enjoyed my salad though.
I also have more fruit, a whole pepper (sliced up), and more pumpkin seeds.
Also, we’re off to the gym this evening. Normally we go early as it’s quieter and therefore nicer. However, I wanted to be in for 9am this morning to make sure that a piece of work which I would get the blame for if not the credit was going live at 9am. It seems to have gone fine.
So, I’ll be at the gym this evening. I’m going to try to run on the treadmill for a full 30minutes today. Last time I was there I managed 20 minutes, which was about 2.5km. I’ve been pretty much skipping the other cardio in favour of the running, with the
Race for Life being a week today! (OMG! – I’ve only just realised that it’s a week today! Cripes!)
So, I hope to do at least 30 minutes and hopefully 5km on the treadmill before I do my weights.
Pilates is going well though. We’re hoping to sign up for some extra sessions over the summer while we wait for the September classes to begin. I’ve been really enjoying it, and I think that it has helped (though how much of it I undid with biscuits at Leon’s parents is anyone’s guess!) to tone me up. I really need to lose the flab around my tummy though, because under that layer of flab there is a toned tummy I’m sure! My fat percentage hasn’t changed (according to our bathroom scales anyway) although I haven’t weighed in for a while.
Anyway, the knitting for the sudoku blanket is going well. The fact that I am now capable of knitting in the car (without getting car-sick) is a bonus there! I don’t knit especially quickly I’m afraid. 48 rows of 33 stitches in a pretty simple pattern took the best part of 3 hours to do. Though I have just calculated that it works out at 528 stitches per hour, or 8.8 stitches per minute if I really knitted for 3 hours. Perhaps I’ll time myself. I did think that one row was taking about 5 minutes, which is even slower – though that was one row on my sock… which makes 12 stitches per minute in stocking stitch. That’s about 5 seconds per stitch! That’s shockingly slow! Perhaps I will time myself… anyway, I have got about half way through my sixth square for the sudoku blanket. I’ve done three shades of blue, a cream and a pink, and I am working on red. Then I have purple, another shade of pink and black to do.
Once I have done all of those, that will be pattern 3 completed (I started on 3 because it was the easier of the patterns. I will probably do 1 and 2 later on as they’re both quite difficult.) I may take a picture. I may not.
Lastly, as it’s only 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days until my holiday in Florida begins, here’s an update on that organisational nightmare :
We’re definitely off to Busch Gardens. Leon and I are off to the Gulf Coast for at least one night (we’ll be hiring our own car all being well). I’ve got shorts and skirts but still no new tops. I have ordered some sun cream etc from Avon [but the lady hasn’t brought them yet despite the fact that she was meant to come on Monday (and we were in, except for a brief spell at pilates!)]. We still need to buy shorts for Leon, I have a dress to make (I have some lovely material) and tops to buy. We do still need to buy more sun cream. We got our dollars though, since the exchange rate is good. They’re in my parents’ safe now.
I should write something about the weekend in Cambs and
Livestock but I’ll leave it for now. There are pictures on facebook for people who have found me on there.