Sunday, July 24, 2005


Dom and I have been packing.
We are doing so in the hope that we will eventually move house and be able to unpack most of the stuff.
However, the new house is smaller than the current one, and also has less rooms which is a bit of a bummer for me. Mainly because I have a lot of stuff No, it's not all crap, much of it is useful. Also, some of it is clothes, which was what we were packing. So, We've filled three BIG suitcases of clothes. We also donated FOUR bin bags full of clothes to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance people.
And feeling good.
And trying to sell some of the stuff myself.

Oh, and we've signed. We're just waiting for exchange.


Lint said...

Nice one. You're nearly there now :-)

Bertworld said...

Congrats! you managed to move in yet?