Well, hello there 2012, and what do you have in store for me?
I’m hoping for another action packed year!
Here’s some highlights of what I have planned
- A Birthday Party! – since we were at a wedding on my birthday, I’m planning a second birthday on my husband’s birthday. We’re even considering booking a hall for the occasion!
- My sister’s wedding. I’m going to be a bridesmaid, and it’s lining up to be even better than my wedding! I’m really looking forward to it!
- Going to France – we’re off back to visit Hubby’s family in central France in the summer, and we face the challenge of travelling with just a cabin bag each!
I’m also hoping to start getting to grips with the garden. We’re thinking about getting someone in to sort out the front garden. It’s basically decorative and I don’t care enough about it to weed regularly. In the back I need to make space for lots of veggies this year, I got some fun garden based gifts this year, including seeds to be sown – the first of which go in this weekend! Squee! Growing my own veg is fun, I was so pleased with last year’s courgettes and carrots; I hope I can do even better this year. (Note to self: decide whether there are any other veggies to try growing…)
On the crafting front, I’m going to be part of Nerd Wars again, so I need to plan for some projects I can complete within a month. I also want to get some of the existing current projects finished, preferably before the end of January. (Tournament four starts on February 1st.) I’m still knitting from stash where possible. One of the things I want to make is the
$5 in Paris sweater. I have some lovely pink and brown yarn that would work for this. There’s also a lace weight top that I want to knit. I’m not sure I can fit that into a month, but perhaps it could be a dissertation for the three months. I really need to knit some more socks too, not least because I accidentally felted a pair not that long ago (sadness!) and also I have a lot of sock yarn! And I want to do more spinning, that’s a lot of fun. I just need to get the fibre currently on the wheel spun up and off the wheel so that I can spin some more. (That’s another January task, all being well!)
Well, I’ve prompted myself to make some lists now (don’t you love lists?) – For veggie growing, for knitting and spinning, lots of planning to be done! Woot!