Sunday, October 24, 2004

Mummy and Daddy

My Mum and Dad visited today with a small but very fab gift of Belgian Choccies from Brugge (that's Bruges in English apparantly) where they went a short while ago. We had a nice lunch, mostly cooked by Dom, who did a darned good job of it! We also had a nice dinner, although microwaving camembert to make it melt doesn't work. Ho hum. They also brought a selection of random computer things with them (including a 12 port router) which they want me to sell to someone. I don't know what the other thing is... And my back is feeling better, although my coccyx is still very sore!


Sarum said...

How do Belgian chocs and microwaved camembert fit with your previous post?

*Sarum runs for cover*

And I'll buy random electronics nobody what it is!

Tsuki said...

Yes, the cheese and choccies are a bit of a disaster on the diet front. AND I haven't started the choccies yet. Although I might.

Jimbobjo said...

I'll happily eay all your chocolates at the party on Saturday night!

Chip said...

And I'll have the Camembert if you pretend it's Brie when you give me it.