Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I’m going on holiday. I’d like to think I deserve it, and that I shouldn’t really be more concerned about paying off my credit card. Still, who gives a monkey’s.(1)
So, yes, holiday. Dom and I are going away for an entire week. First we have to stay over at a hotel near the airport as we are leaving in the morning before we could get there by train. We’ll then be jetting off to the North coast of Fuertaventura, in the Canary Islands. These islands are just off the coast of Africa, although they are technically Spanish islands.
The resort we’re going to is supposed to be ideal for couples and since we’re going the week before half term, I’m anticipating not being bothered by large numbers of small children.(2)
We’re supposed to be approximately 15 minutes away from the new water-park (oo) and only about 5 mins from the Saharan Sand Dunes(3) which sound lush! We’re also really close to the beach, and the pool in the brochure looks great. So, in about a fortnight I’ll be sunbathing (hopefully) rather than sitting in England freezing.
After my holiday, you would expect me to be returning to work? Well, in a manner of speaking I will be. I will be spending two weeks in Norwich. I will, of course, come home at the weekend in order to do some washing (mostly). I would stay over the weekend if I was rich enough, but I can’t afford 3 nights at the rates the company are paying! Not on what the company are paying me.

(1) I’ve always wondered: a monkey’s what? Is this rhyming slang? (2) Small children seem to like me. I don’t know why, perhaps I smell like a small child? Perhaps I look like ‘mummy’. Maybe I look like the kind of person who has lots of sweets. Whatever the reason, small children seem to like me. Usually it’s the under-5 age group which are most attracted to me, generally with chocolate-covered hands or snotty noses. (3) Do you suppose Saharan sand is different from other sand? It’s not like the sand at Cleethorpes, that’s gold-coloured. Saharan sand is white apparantly. Although they tell me that some of the Canary islands have black sand, from the volcano. That’s pretty cool. I’ve seen actual white sand before – in Florida.

1 comment:

Sarum said...

I think I've heard the phase as "Monkey's Uncle" more than once, but I can't really help any futher as to what the significance of said monkey's uncle is.