Thursday, August 24, 2006

Air Water Fire

Last weekend Leon and I went to Elvington Air Show, sort of.
Because we’re stingy, and because one of Leon’s work colleagues lives near to the airbase (ish) we decided to go sit in a field and watch from there.
What we saw of the show was brilliant. Loud planes etc. I have no idea what all the planes were called. There was a big one with four engines, a smaller jet-like thing and some bi-planes among others. We had a little radio to listen in to air traffic control, which was excellent. We also had a kind of picnic, which was good too. Thermos of tea was an excellent choice!
My first complaint about the day was the cycle ride to Leon’s colleague’s house. We had to go down a busy road, which I didn’t like.
My second complaint was that the field we were in had cows in it. I don’t like cows. They followed us and stood near me.
Then it rained on us. The first time was okay, but the second time it was really heavy and was lightening and we were standing in a field with umbrellas. And my bike seat was then wet.
So we cycled back to Leon’s colleague’s to have a barbeque (!) and to dry off before cycling home.
I haven’t cycled much in the last 8-10 years – the last time I did any notable cycling was when I used to cycle to school during my GCSEs back in 1996-1998. I ached in places I didn’t know I had places.
That all said, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and would do it again, in slightly better weather if I have the choice!

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