Saturday, January 12, 2013


You may have realised that I knit quite a lot.
A side effect of this is that I collect yarn. I have a large amount of yarn (and fibre) in my craft room. It's at the point where there isn't actually room for any more in there. It's full.

I have over 54500 yards of yarn in my stash, including more than 11 sweater-sized amounts.

So, I am participating in what is known as Stashdown 2013.

Rules are personal to this challenge, as everyone has a different stash and different crafting needs.
My rules are as follows:

I will knit from Stash
I will spin from Stash
non-knitting - I will bead and papercraft from stash too.
if there is a specific gift project I need to make and I don’t have the yarn
if I go to Woolfest this year, then I may only buy using the money I save up (and if that’s none, then I don’t go)

The first step to this goal for me, is to finish knitting the things I currently have on the needles, and spin what's currently on the wheel.

I don't have a target of how much stash I want to use up during 2013, and the reason for this is twofold.
If I met the target early I would probably just buy more yarn/fibre.
I don't want to make knitting, crocheting, weaving or spinning into a chore I must do, but rather keep it as a fun hobby.

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