Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Lack of excercise

Oh dear, this week has been a dead loss as far as excercising goes. It all began last Wednesday. Jimbobjo and I turned up at the badminton court, but alas there were none free. Once Dom arrived we decided to comiserate by going to the pub. Then, Tuesday I usually go for a swim. This was also thwarted by the pool being shut. They had a failiure in their emergency backup lights, or something. So no swimming there, although an hours worth of walking which has to count for something. Then last night we went again for badminton and again were thwarted. The courts were again busy. It looks like I may have to go on Monday next week with all the scary-people-I-don't-know-who-are-actuaries-and-are-competitive-about-badminton. Still, at least I'll get some excercise that way. I will have to put on a brave face while these people laugh at my flabby legs and useless technique.

1 comment:

Jimbobjo said...

Your legs are not flabby!