Sunday, December 12, 2004


  1. I must appologise for my appalling spelling in the last post.
    minesterial is spelt ministerial
    irellevant was clearly supposed to be spelled irrelevant
    justace should be written justice
    However, according to my spellchecker "empathise" is wrong. they want a "z" instead of an "s"
  2. I also must disagree with badfriend's comment on the previous post. I also refuse to go any further on the subject at this time.
  3. Lastly, I must appologise for not walking home with Iasonas, Lint and co when the ginger one was in a drunken stupor. I was the only one who was prepared to go near him when he was actually being sick though - so if anyone ever needs looking after while sick by someone who doesn't mind getting sick on them (!) then I'm often around on these occasions (my bad luck really)
  4. And one more thing - stairs are dangerous!

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