Monday, September 19, 2005

Officially In

The housewarming on Saturday was good, and we are now officially in the house. Thanks to all who came, it would have been poor had nobody turned up.

I drank too much, and I'm mean when I'm drunk. However, that also marks the end of my drinking... For now. I have officially given up. I'm aiming for December at least before I re-start.

I did get the pretty E530 in blue as shown.

We have a LOT of sausages in the house now.


Sarum said...

"Not Drinking" challenges are amusing and interesting. They often turn out to be considerably harder than expected - which the participant sometimes finds concerning, depending on how they view things. I think its safe to say its a lot harder to stop than it is not to start.

And thanks for inviting us all, it's always good to sit about in someone's house with friends and eat food and laugh much!

Jimbobjo said...

Yep, party was great with lots of good food!