Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Goals for 2009

I thought about this post yesterday, but ended up not having time to post it.
It’s just as well, really, it had gotten rather rambling and nonsensical.

What I really feel like doing is ranting about my ex-boss, who is soon to be my boss again. I’m not going to though. Even though I’m really irritated.

Instead, I’m going to talk about my goals for 2009. Doesn’t it feel weird to be in 2009?
  1. Double my Squat Weight. Indeed, all the weights I do, but squatting in particular. This requires going to the gym regularly (more than I do now) and getting on the weights. My best squat weight to date is 25kg. So, by 2010 I’ll be able to squat 50kg (or more!)
  2. Lose Girth. Specifically, have a 32 inch waist. On a good un-bloated day when I haven’t eaten yet, I can probably tug the tape measure enough to get there. I’d like to consistently manage it. I will measure myself no more frequently than once a week; preferably no more than once a fortnight. (otherwise it’s obsessive, and we don’t want that)
  3. Spin enough yarn to make a pair of average socks That’s probably about 300-350m of sock-weight yarn. If it’s a bit thicker it’s a bit less. I’ll be doing this on the drop spindle, I don’t spin enough right now to justify a wheel.
  4. Knit myself a jumper. I have no excuse, I have the yarn, the patterns, the needles (I think) and the desire. Now all I need are the time and not to be knitting lots of other things!
  5. Find a new job. Last year I resolved to improve my job. While I am a bit happier in what I’m doing (like I know what I’m doing a bit more and feel like I have a clue) I’m still not really enjoying it. And, as I mentioned, the boss I didn’t like will be my boss again, and though I try not to dislike him or be annoyed by him, it’s really so much effort and isn’t rewarding because he repays my effort with being a [insert mildly derogatory word of your choice here]
1 Person.
5 Goals.
12 Months.

I believe that if I want any of these things, if I really want to achieve them, then there is no reason why I can not do it.

That’s one thing which I’ve rediscovered during 2008. I can do anything, if I put my mind to it.
Do you know how I discovered that? By doing things, not being put off by anything I didn’t manage to do and being encouraged by my own successes, however small. By not listening to the people – you know the uninspiring or the nay-sayer.
It’s taken me longer to regain my self belief than it should have, so I’m not giving it up.
Now, I just need to stop talking about it and start doing things!

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